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Project Bolt 2022-06-25 19-30-36_Trim_Moment.jpg

Project Bolt

Drop Down


3 Months


Unity 2019.3.8


PC & Console



Team Size:


Project Description

Project bolt was my second massive group project i had been voted to lead again after my success from my previous group project Candyland. i decided to go a different route in leadership where the core idea of the game was built all of us in the project. This yielded mixed results which ill go into further detail later on...

This project was also set to release as an official game on steam however burn out had hit us all deeply. Many lessons were learned. 


  • 3D

  • Single player

  • Third person

  • Platformer

  • Shooter


  • Project Leader

  • Scrum Manager

  • AI Behavior & Combat programmer

  • AI Model Designer

  • Player Compass & Icon Indicator System

  • Quest Handler System

  • Checkpoint System

  • Player Progression System

Pros & Cons


This was our first attempt at creating a fully functional 3D game prototype. our goal was to make the fundamental systems work well enough to convey a great level of depth for a prototype.


With a new team comes new problems.  one major issue in particular was since this project this time around was created by all of us. the vision wasn't as clear to each other. as such this became a mix up of ideas. 

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